Tuesday 1 December 2020

Welcome to December! - Blogmas Day 1

It’s December! I really can’t believe this year is almost at an end, and what a crazy year it’s been! Who would have thought as we entered 2020 that this was the year we were going to get? Not that I think things will be all that different when we enter 2021, sadly I think Ms Rona is probably gonna stick around for a little while yet. That being said, I personally feel like I’ve acclimated to working from home pretty well, so aside from the last few weeks of lockdown being a little frustrating I’m not overly upset at the prospect of spending more time at home – especially now it’s cold outside!


You may have noticed a little bit of a dip in my post numbers of late (or maybe you haven’t, and that’s fine) but the reason for that was to help me prepare for the lead up to December. What did I need to prepare for you ask? Blogmas! For those of you who might not know, Blogmas is kind of like a challenge, in which a blogger will publish some kind of seasonal themed post every day throughout December up until Christmas day. Which… is a lot of posts.


There is the option of course to tweak the concept a little to whatever suits the individual. For example I’ve seen people do “The Twelve Days of Blogmas” with twelve posts in the countdown to Christmas. I’ve also seen people post every other day through December rather than daily, it really just boils down to what works for you and what is feasible.


Blogmas is something that I’ve wanted to partake in in the past, but I never really had the time or commitment to see it through. This year now that I have an extended amount of time in my home I decided that I wanted to go for it, and that’s what I’m (hopefully) doing! I’ve got many posts written up and ready to go already, others in progress, and admittedly some I need to make a start on, but this year is the first year I have some semblance of a plan, and the content of most of the posts planned out, even if only vaguely.


So today constitutes as Blogmas Day One! Even though a post telling you that I’m going to write a bunch of other posts may be considered cheating, an introduction made sense and naturally it had to go on day one. Don’t worry though, this isn’t just a post about posts, there’s a couple of spoilers in here too about what you can expect over the rest of the month.


Anyone who knows me knows I like to spoil our cat, Boots, so there will be a post about something special for him - he's excited already.


I’ll also be doing a little series on Lush again. I really enjoyed doing my Lush Halloween Haul, and will be doing the same again with a few bits from their Christmas range. There will be some self-care posts, and posts about looking after yourself and your general wellbeing over the seasonal period – which I feel is especially important this year. Finally, there will of course be some food related posts, which is something you’ve not really seen a lot of round here, so it will be something a little different.


It’s safe to say I’m pretty excited (and slightly nervous) to be taking part in Blogmas for the first time this year, and hopefully you enjoy the seasonal content I have in store for you!


Are you taking part in Blogmas? Drop your links below – I’d love to have a read!



  1. Happy Blogmas! Great first post :)

    1. Happy Blogmas to you too! Thank you :)


  2. This post is a lovely introduction to Blogmas, and I am excited to read the self-care posts and how to manage your general wellbeing over the seasonal period. This is my first Blogmas, and it has given me something to look forward to after this year. Thank you for sharing! 😊

    1. Thank you! The first of the self-care posts is coming later this week so keep your eyes peeled! It's my first blogmas too, so feeling rather excited (and nervous!)

      Have a wonderful blogmas!


  3. Hey there's absolutely nothing wrong a set up post especially for your first one! I find that a schedule or a little teaser beforehand has really helped me get organised. Looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for us 😊

    1. Thank you - I'm glad you think so! A teaser was kind of what I was going for.

      Have a wonderful Blogmas!


  4. Happy Blogmas! Isn't it crazy how fast the year has gone! So excited to follow your posts for the rest of the month! X

    1. I feel like its gone really slow, but also really fast, if that even makes sense!? Thank you so much for your lovely comment!


  5. I honestly can't belive it's December already! This year has been such a funny one. I'm doing blogmas for the first time and I feel like it's constantly go go go lol this is a great intro to your blogmas, looking forward to looking reading your blogmas posts.

    Jordanne || Thelifeofaglasgowgirl.co.uk

    1. It has been an odd year hasn't it! I've seen a lot of people are doing Blogmas for the first time this year, which is just what we all need I think!

      Can't wait to see all of your posts!

      Em x


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