Monday 27 April 2020

Four blog posts you should read in lockdown

Today I decided to do something a little bit different, and share with you all some of my most loved bloggers and posts I’ve been reading recently, but with a little twist. Rather than just sharing a list of names and links, I’ll be sharing some of their recent posts that are relevant to now. Be it advice on how to cope, some movie inspiration, or some yummy treats you can whip up in your kitchen I’ll be sharing content to (hopefully) help you manage the current craziness of this world.

First up is Leo, from Leo The Anxious Teacher. Much like myself (and many others I’m sure) Leo is finding that the days since lockdown begun have blended together, making it difficult to keep track of time. With time having very little meaning at the moment it can be difficult to stay productive and keep our minds active. Whilst there is obviously no pressure to be productive at all, if all you manage to do today is brush your teeth and drag yourself to the sofa to watch Netflix that’s absolutely fine, sometimes it’s a good way to pass the time.

If you want to fill your days with a little more productivity, or perhaps just feel a little better I would recommend giving her post “My top 5tips for being productive during isolation” a read. From suggestions as simple as remembering to get dressed all the way up to Open University courses there’s a range of ideas to suit how productive you’re feeling that day.

One of the suggestions given by Leo is to start a bullet journal. For inspiration, suggestions on supplies or even just to look at some beautiful and colourful images, I’d recommend you head over to Hello Bexa. Her posts are always packed with vibrant colour and her latest post, a stationary box swap is just perfect at the moment. Not only do you get to have some time doing something creative, but a stationary swap means you and a loved one can gift each other a batch of stationary supplies, keep in touch and bring some joy to each other.

Next up is a guide to the perfect pamper night by the lovely Esther Wyse. If you’ve managed to have a full and productive day why not reward yourself and unwind with an evening of self-care? If you’ve not managed anything productive, you deserve a pamper evening too. Rewarding yourself for achievements both big and small or simply being kind to yourself is something I endorse, plus a little relaxation will help set you up with a calmer mind-set. If you fancy some snacks during your chilled evening, Esther has also recently shared a recipe for banana bread, which having tried over the weekend I can confirm is amazing!

Something that Esther mentions in her post is to choose your film ahead of time, so all you need to do is press play when it comes to your pamper evening. I myself am sometimes guilty of scrolling through Netflix for hours and hours, and then not being able to watch the film I’ve eventually chosen because it’s too late  in the evening by then. If you are the same, or perhaps stuck for suggestions on what to watch the lovely Jordanne over at Life of a Glasgow Girl has put together a list of girly movies to watch.  

I always opt for a chick-flic or ‘girly’ film if I’m in need of some easy watching, something that doesn’t take too much brain power and I can relax to. With her list of 432 movies you’ll be sure to find something to watch in this extensive list. If a girly movie isn’t quite what you fancy Jordanne has also put together an extensive list of TV series to watch on Netflix as well, which includes a range of genres.

So, if you are looking for some new blogs or posts to read, especially now that we’ve all got some more time on our hands I highly recommend checking these out.

What are your favourite posts you’ve read recently?



  1. Thanks for sharing your recommendations! I'll definitely check these out. I hope you're doing well! :)

    1. Thank you :) I hope you enjoy them!

      Take care,

      Em x

  2. Thank you so so much for including me in your post hun! Means a lot and it's a great way to discover some new posts! Going to check out all the posts you've mentioned, they sound great and it's an honour to be include with these lovely people xx

    Jordanne ||

    1. No problem at all! Thank you for sharing such great inspiration for my 'to watch' list! You've saved me so much time in endless scrolling through Netflix haha.

      Hope you and the family are all well.

      Em xx

  3. I loved the look of Bexa's stationery box swap! It's such a sweet idea xo

    Makeup Muddle

    1. It was a lovely idea wasn't it!? I've since replicated it (kind of) with some friends. We've all sent each other seeds in the post to grow. I'm excited to see what mine turn into!

      Em x

  4. Thanks for these recommendations! Would check it! :)

    Stay safe! :)


    1. You absolutely should!

      You too, take care and stay safe,

      Em xx

  5. I'm so glad it brightened your day! You are very welcome! I would highly recommend you check the others out (Jordanne has since added a list of nostalgic films as well!)

    Have a lovely week,

    Em xx


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