Tuesday 1 October 2019

September Look Back 2019

There’s no two ways about it; September was a massive roller coaster for me. Full of ups and downs, and quite frankly I’m glad to get off.

It’s not been a month full of negativity, there’s absolutely been great times, but September has probably been the hardest month of my year so far. My anxiety has been at an all time high, and I feel that my mental well-being has taken a massive step back. I don’t want my look back to negative or gloomy, plus I haven’t quite got my own head in order enough to articulate everything. So I’ll be leaving the bad times for now and focus on the positives from September. 


Toward the beginning of September my friends and I went on a camping trip together. We wanted ‘proper’ camping, so rather than going to an actual camp site we went into a woodland owned by a friend of a friend. It meant we could dig a fire pit and have the whole woodland to ourselves. I love being outside, and there’s something very therapeutic about sitting in a beautiful woodland in the dark with a roaring fire in front f you.

We cooked on the open fire, drank hot chocolate, and of course had smores. All while chatting away and being perfectly content in each others company listening to the various sounds of the woodland around us. I'm hoping we still have a couple of warm (or at least dry) weekends left so we can go again before winter sets in.

I got to go see various films throughout the month, which having not been to the cinema for a long time was a nice change. Our entire group went to see Rambo, and then later in the month a couple of us went to see the now 'It' film. I enjoyed thoroughly enjoyed both and it was nice to get out of the house doing something a little different.

My brother had some good news to share too. He and his girlfriend will be moving in together in a few weeks time, which was exciting to hear! He really deserves happiness and I'm so glad that he's found it.

At the end of September I got some really positive news, which should come to fruition in October. I won't say much more on the subject as I really don't want to jinx it, but hopefully it'll be something I can share and talk about in my next look back.

This month put a lot of things in perspective for me, but one thing that really stuck out is how lucky I've been when it comes to my friends and my loved ones. At the point in my month when things were at the hardest, they all really pulled through for me. My gal pals secretly arranged a girls night as a surprise, where we just watched films together, ate snacks, drank wine and chatted the night away. As someone who hasn't typically had a group of supportive female friends I was really grateful for them in that moment, and still am.

This month has been hard, but its the hard times that show you who your true friends are, and I'm so grateful to have such a fantastic group to rely on when I need. The negativity of September is behind me and I'm looking forward to a much happier, more positive October. 


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that September was a tough month for you hun :( It's awful when your mental health isn't in the best place, I completely empathise <3 Sending lots and lots of positive & healing vibes your way. It's really good that you had a fun camping trip at the beginning of the month, it sounds like a perfect trip and it's so awesome you's got to go proper woodland camping! There's a place about 1-/15 miles away from us that isn't a camp ground but it is used for camping all the time and everyone is so lovely. Need to plan a camping trip with the wee one! IT was great wasn't it? There wasn't enough Pennywise as just Pennywise though which is my only criticism but otherwise the jump scares were great! It sounds like you have a great support system around you and I am so pleased to hear that, I hope October is a much better month for you lovely.

    Jordanne // Thelifeofaglasgowgirl.co.uk

    1. Thank you sweet.

      Ah that sounds great! We're trying to find more places to go, as this was part of the land where a friend works we still had running water and such if needed, but next time we want something totally off the grid.

      Yeah I agree. Although my friend and I couldn't stop giggling when Beverly is in her old home, I have no idea why >.<

      They are really great, I'm very lucky to have them. Here's t October!

      Em x


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