stumbling across a post by ‘That Kayla Girl’ self-love tags were something I had
(amazingly) not come across, although Kayla indicated they were actually quite
common, originating with ‘Just Lucy’s Life’ back in May 2017. After reading an
enjoying the post – including a prompt from Kayla encouraging others to do the
same – I thought it would be a nice idea to do my own!
with Kayla, I won’t be tagging five individuals to do their own Self-love tag,
instead, I would encourage each of you to take part in the tag. Make sure to
pop your posts below so I can read yours too!

What is something that is getting you down at the moment?
Time. I feel like I have none of it at the moment, and my work life balance feels non-existent. I feel like I’m either at work, or prepping for work (lunches, washing, housework and so on). I feel as though my ‘me time’ is getting increasingly more limited and my weekends are flying by at the moment and its exhausting.
What is something that makes you happy?
I know it might sound strange, but I love just being in my house!
first flat was horrible, with no heating in the bathroom, which meant the
toilet would freeze in the winter. My second was alright, but right next to a
garage, so constantly noisy. Next my brother and I brought a house to get
ourselves on the property ladder, but it was in one of the roughest parts of
Norwich – hence how we could buy it in the first place. Police were there half
the time and it was utter chaos the rest of the time. I was kept up at night
with people fighting, or breaking into neighbouring houses or garages, and we
had someone stabbed right outside our gate and had to deal with them, while
attempting to talk down junkie that did it until the police got there.
It’s safe to say I’ve lived in a string of terrible homes, but now we live in a lovely area, in a nice house, backing onto a quiet woodland. It’s a place I feel safe, happy and peaceful.
Name 3 guilty pleasures
I mean… anyone who knows me well knows that chocolate is on that list… I have a major sweet tooth, for chocolate, sweets, you name it. The guilty side is probably that I hide it so Mike can’t steal it – FYI old tampon boxes are the best places to hide snacks from men!
is one that I haven’t had the time to indulge in for a while, and that’s colouring.
Seriously, I find adult colouring books are so therapeutic and relaxing, especially
with a glass of wine.
Finally is probably my make up addiction. I have more than enough, but that doesn’t stop me treating myself to new eye shadow pallets!
What is something about yourself you want to improve on?
Given my answer to the first question, perhaps time management? Whilst my days are feeling full, I’m sure if I really looked at it properly I could streamline what I’m doing and free up more time for myself.
If not it would probably be my fitness. I’m getting better and better in the gym, so I just need to stick with the motivation.
When was the last time you belly laughed?
On my last girls night out, when my friend Chloe started singing to the taxi driver. She wasn’t dunk, that’s just how she is, which made it even funnier.
What is your biggest insecurity / fear?
As much as I’m great at putting on a mask of bravado, I’m actually really conscious about what others think of me. I was bullied rather relentlessly through my school years, and its meant I can be over-defensive or sensitive at times. I used to have a nasty habit of verbally lashing out if ever someone was coming across as hostile, as a way to warn them to back off, I’m glad this is something I’ve since managed to pretty much drop, but I can still be very guarded with people I don’t know.
Name a song that always cheers you up when you’re down
This changes on the regular, but at the moment it's actually the catchy song from Lego Movie 2... because I'm a massive child inside!
3 things you like about yourself!
I knew I’d hate this question, but this is the whole point of a self-love post!
I guess the first thing is that I try my best to always be my friendliest self, especially when it comes to new people. I hate the idea that someone would feel unwelcome in any way. The other day one of my friends described me as one of the most selfless people she’d ever met and that really meant the world to me.
Second is probably my ability to be perfectly content in my own company, and keep myself entertained. Of course I love socialising with people too, I’m a very social person, but I don’t feel like I have to be around other people all of the time.
The last one is one I never thought I’d say, and that’s my figure. I’m very much an hourglass, with hips, boobs and a tiny waist. Something that people don’t realise though is I used to absolutely hate it. I perceived curves as fat, and constantly wishing I was skinny. Its taken a long time for me to get here, but now I love the fact that I have natural, feminine curves.
What is an achievement that has made you proud of yourself this year?
Probably getting my bike licence. This will sound a little weird, but I never even learned how to ride a push bike when I was a little kid, because I got yelled at if I fell off, and just got more and more stressed with it. I was probably about 14 when our neighbour finally taught me, so whilst I can now ride a bike I’ve never felt massively comfortable on them. Now add an engine, and cars, and think about how nerve wracking that was before I turned up for lessons!
Tell us your happiest memory
My happiest memory is not a specific memory as such, more a period of time. Shortly after getting engaged (which is probably my other happiest memory), Mike and I went traveling around America for just over 2 months together. I quit a job I wasn’t happy in to do it, and having all that time just Mike and I, doing what we wanted when we wanted was really something special. What a way to celebrate getting engaged huh?!
What is something that is getting you down at the moment?
Time. I feel like I have none of it at the moment, and my work life balance feels non-existent. I feel like I’m either at work, or prepping for work (lunches, washing, housework and so on). I feel as though my ‘me time’ is getting increasingly more limited and my weekends are flying by at the moment and its exhausting.
What is something that makes you happy?
I know it might sound strange, but I love just being in my house!
It’s safe to say I’ve lived in a string of terrible homes, but now we live in a lovely area, in a nice house, backing onto a quiet woodland. It’s a place I feel safe, happy and peaceful.
Name 3 guilty pleasures
I mean… anyone who knows me well knows that chocolate is on that list… I have a major sweet tooth, for chocolate, sweets, you name it. The guilty side is probably that I hide it so Mike can’t steal it – FYI old tampon boxes are the best places to hide snacks from men!
Finally is probably my make up addiction. I have more than enough, but that doesn’t stop me treating myself to new eye shadow pallets!
What is something about yourself you want to improve on?
Given my answer to the first question, perhaps time management? Whilst my days are feeling full, I’m sure if I really looked at it properly I could streamline what I’m doing and free up more time for myself.
If not it would probably be my fitness. I’m getting better and better in the gym, so I just need to stick with the motivation.
When was the last time you belly laughed?
On my last girls night out, when my friend Chloe started singing to the taxi driver. She wasn’t dunk, that’s just how she is, which made it even funnier.
What is your biggest insecurity / fear?
As much as I’m great at putting on a mask of bravado, I’m actually really conscious about what others think of me. I was bullied rather relentlessly through my school years, and its meant I can be over-defensive or sensitive at times. I used to have a nasty habit of verbally lashing out if ever someone was coming across as hostile, as a way to warn them to back off, I’m glad this is something I’ve since managed to pretty much drop, but I can still be very guarded with people I don’t know.
Name a song that always cheers you up when you’re down
This changes on the regular, but at the moment it's actually the catchy song from Lego Movie 2... because I'm a massive child inside!
I knew I’d hate this question, but this is the whole point of a self-love post!
I guess the first thing is that I try my best to always be my friendliest self, especially when it comes to new people. I hate the idea that someone would feel unwelcome in any way. The other day one of my friends described me as one of the most selfless people she’d ever met and that really meant the world to me.
Second is probably my ability to be perfectly content in my own company, and keep myself entertained. Of course I love socialising with people too, I’m a very social person, but I don’t feel like I have to be around other people all of the time.
The last one is one I never thought I’d say, and that’s my figure. I’m very much an hourglass, with hips, boobs and a tiny waist. Something that people don’t realise though is I used to absolutely hate it. I perceived curves as fat, and constantly wishing I was skinny. Its taken a long time for me to get here, but now I love the fact that I have natural, feminine curves.
What is an achievement that has made you proud of yourself this year?
Probably getting my bike licence. This will sound a little weird, but I never even learned how to ride a push bike when I was a little kid, because I got yelled at if I fell off, and just got more and more stressed with it. I was probably about 14 when our neighbour finally taught me, so whilst I can now ride a bike I’ve never felt massively comfortable on them. Now add an engine, and cars, and think about how nerve wracking that was before I turned up for lessons!
Tell us your happiest memory
My happiest memory is not a specific memory as such, more a period of time. Shortly after getting engaged (which is probably my other happiest memory), Mike and I went traveling around America for just over 2 months together. I quit a job I wasn’t happy in to do it, and having all that time just Mike and I, doing what we wanted when we wanted was really something special. What a way to celebrate getting engaged huh?!
sums up the list of questions Lucy put together, and I hope you enjoyed reading
my answers! As I said, this is such a lovely idea, and I’d love it others could
help keep it going, so if you do put your own tag together please do pop the link
in the comments below so I can have a read!
Love this post hun! I really like reading posts like this because it allows readers to get to know the blogger a little more. I also particularly like this tag because it's a self love one �� I really like being in my house as well, it's my happy place where I can just be me without worrying about what others think and having to manage my anxiety around people. Well done on getting your bike license! That's such an amazing achievement, you must be so proud of yourself, congratulations!
ReplyDeleteJordanne || thelifeofaglasgowgirl.co.uk
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it! I'm the same, I love any kind of 'about me' post, I really feel it helps you get to know the blogger a little more, but also makes them a little more 'human' if that makes sense?
DeleteThank you! I have the instructor to thank, she was really great, and dealt with me crying when I couldn't turn right aha. Thanks sweet!
Em xx