Friday 2 August 2019

August Goals 2019

If you’ve read my latest lookback you’ll know that July was a very busy month for me, packed full of a diverse mix of productivity and positivity. After a particularly busy or exciting month I always find the following one to be a little quiet and lacklustre by comparison, so to try and maintain the momentum and productive high that I was riding for all of July, I’ve decided to put together a little list of things I’d like to get done through August.

When you lead a busy life its so easy to have good intentions, but life just gets in the way and sometimes you don’t get round to doing things. I find that getting everything out of my head and down in black and white makes me focus more on what I need to do, and more importantly, I feel a far stronger obligation to get things crossed off my list.



Mike and I are getting married next year, and have managed to get almost everything booked.  There are a couple of bits still outstanding, but the main one at the moment is the photographer. The later its left, the harder it’s going to be to get one booked in, so I really do need to get a move on.



Despite clearing it out  a month or so ago my little beauty room is starting to get in a state again. Something that I didn’t do last time that I really should have done was go through all of my cosmetic and skincare items and throw out anything old. I’ve got body creams stashed away in there that will have expired years ago and they’re clogging up far too much space.


On top of that, my wardrobe needs a purge again as its full to the brim at the moment, and half of the clothes in it I don’t wear or don’t want’ There are bits in there with tags on, so its probably worth donating or trying to get a few quid for them.  


Blog photos

I’ve got several drafts finished for posts, but haven’t got any images to go with them, so really need to set aside some time to replenish my stock of photos.



Whilst there really isn’t anything wrong with them I hate the plants in my garden. On my week off I’d intended to pull them all up so I can plant things I like, but it was simply too hot for any kind of manual work. I’ve got some little seedlings growing away on my kitchen windowsill and they are getting to the point that they’ll need repotting soon. Rather than trying to source bigger pots, it seems far more logical to clear space in the garden and put them there.



I mentioned in my look back that I passed my CBT and got myself a little bike. Sadly the MOT has expired, the tax has run out and I need to insure it… I’ve got a couple of quotes for the insurance, so I need to get it booked and in for MOT and sort the taxon it so I can start actually using it.


Get active

During my week off I didn’t go to the gym once and ate nothing but junk food, and I’m really feeling it in myself. On the scales I haven’t actually gained that much, but off the scales I feel really bloated and horrible at the moment. Returning to work has meant I’ve gone back to my usual diet, and my meal prep is pretty on form at the moment, but I think it’s going take a week or two of good gym attendance to get me feeling myself again.


That’s my little round up of goals for August, there’s nothing majorly special or challenging in there, but keeping it simple means I’m far more likely to get them done.


Do you have any goals or things you’d like to get done in August?


  1. Loving your goals 🙌 Its always good to get them written down isnt it? Helps stay focused 😊 that's so exciting you've almost got all the wedding stuff done! That's so exciting! I hope you get the photographer you want. I seriously need to get blog photos done as well, I'm struggling now as I've used up my "just in case" folder haha. Good luck with all your goals hun, I hope August is good to you xx

    Jordanne ||

    1. It really is! Otherwise I forget until the end of the month and then have a mad panic trying to try and get everything done!

      Wedding stuff is proving hard work, as we're getting married abroad, but hopefully I can get it all sorted!

      E, xx


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