Thursday 7 January 2021

January Goals - 2021

Yes, yes, I know that my goals for January are being posted a week into January, but that weird period between Christmas and New Year really through me off this year!


I’ve been slacking with writing my monthly goals for the past few months and resumed them in December, so let’s see how I did with what I set for myself last month.


Touch up paint

I didn’t get round to this in the end but I found myself feeling extremely tired over the Christmas and New Year break so decided to just give myself a rest which I think did me some good.


Get our re-mortgage finalised

Ha. Well, it is in its final stages and should be finalised today, but we’ve had trouble with the solicitor being slack. Aside from missing a lot of her own deadlines, she also made a miscalculation that would have meant we were charged over £850 we didn’t owe had we not spotted and pointed out her error. What’s worse is she didn’t even put the effort into fixing it, and in the end we had to call the bank we are moving away from and sort it for her, which took over an hour. Thank goodness we’ve gone for a 5 year agreement and don’t have to deal with this for another half a decade!


Finish and schedule blogmas content

For a first attempt I didn’t do too badly with Blogmas! I think next year I’ll go for every other day if I do it as daily posting was just a bit much for me. I did end up not publishing my last few posts so there are some days missing, but I suppose these can be used another year.


Finish CPD hours

In the industry I work in, we have to have achieved a certain amount of hours learning and training throughout the year, and this is stricter if we are certified in any way, which I am. Typically I’ve already done all my hours for the year within 6 months, so it was unusual for me to still have any outstanding. I managed to get everything finished and submitted a few weeks before my deadline, so all is well. I’ve even signed up to some courses for this year already, to get a head start.


Finish up my Secret Santa gift

It is done! Although it is currently sitting in my house, so I guess we’ll have to arrange something when we are allowed to see each other again.


Decorate the house

I did! I put a couple more Christmas decorations around the house to make it more festive.



Now, let’s have a look at my goals for the rest of January;



Wedding cancelations

Yeah. Whilst Mike and I did get to get married in September, we haven’t had the wedding we planned in the USA. Given that it’s only in June and we’ve already moved it once we’ve decided to cancel it for now. We might do something in a few years, like a renewal of vows or something, but now we have to go through the logistics of cancelling venue, photographer and so on and getting what refunds we can.


Decorate the house

As I never did any of the painting I was supposed to it makes sense to carry this one over to January. In addition to painting I want to do some other bits around the house. I liked having the Christmas decorations up and was sad to take them down, so I’m thinking of getting some fairy lights as permanent decoration in the house.


Buy a wish list plant

You might have seen that I’ve started a plant themed Instagram with two of my friends. Whilst I love our garden centre trips I have some harder to come by and expensive plants on my wish list. I’ve been putting some money away for the past few months so I’m ready to add another rare house plant to my collection.


Get back into a running routine

I haven’t run once since the new year, partly because it’s been bad weather and partly because I just don’t want to. I was making fairly reasonable progress before Christmas, so need to get back to it. Although I do find it a struggle to run in the cold with my asthma, so will need to find something else I can do when temperatures are too low.


Start getting up earlier

I’ve fallen back into the habit of getting up 20 minutes before I need to start work. Sometimes not even bothering to get dressed right away and starting work in my PJ’s. This clearly isn’t a great habit to be in, so I want to start making the effort to get up earlier and get dressed before it’s time for my day to start.



That just about finishes off my goals for the rest of the month. I’ve kept it simple, and with only a few there they should be pretty easy to achieve.


 Have you got any goals for January?


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