Wednesday 29 July 2020 / Norwich, UK

Creating the Perfect Media Kit with Design Bundles*

From the moment I first started blogging I feel like I took a plunge into the unknown and there’s been a lot of learning as I go along with plenty of trial and error since. Those who are bloggers themselves will know all too well that blogging touches on many different skills at the same time and there is a lot more to it than first meets the eye. You need to be a competent writer, a researcher, a photographer, you need to promote your blog to draw in traffic and make all the effort worthwhile, and that’s just to function. There is then another layer of complexity added when it comes to learning about domain authority, how to get paid for blogging and how to find and pitch to brands you would like to work with now or in the future.


Earlier in July was my blogs one year anniversary, and I have to say since starting this blog a year ago I feel like I’ve come a very long way, started to learn the ropes a little and sunk into some semblance of a routine. Mind you, as much as there are lessons I’ve learned over time, there’s a lot of things I wish I had known months ago. From the obvious points like the importance of promoting on multiple outlets rather than just Instagram, to the importance of regular posting. Something new that I have started to learn about recently, that I wish I had done back at the very beginning is the importance of approaching brands using a media kit. Pitching to brands is a whole other skill in itself, and one that is necessary as you start to grow.


There are many benefits to approaching brands rather than waiting in the hope that they contact you, to sum up just a few;


  • You put yourself in front of brands who may not of heard of you yet

  • It is more proactive approach than waiting for them to contact you first

  • It’s easier to pick brands that suit you and your blog

  • You can start building a relationship with the brand even if you don’t get a collaboration straight away

  • It can help you plan your time and your posts more effectively

The most effective way to reach out to a brand you want to work with is by using a media kit, and the key thing to remember is you don't have to have a certain number of followers or readers to start putting one together. 


What is a media kit I hear you ask? A media kit is a document you put together to allow brands to quickly and easily find out key information about you and your blog. It gives them an overview of who you are, your statistics, what you do and why they should chose to work with you. Think of a media kit as the blogging equivalent of a CV. Your media kit should be attractive and informative, but not spread over pages and pages. You don’t want to overwhelm them with reams of text on a page. If you can manage it one page is ideal, but if you have more to include really you want to avoid going over two pages.


When it came to first putting a media kit together I’ll admit, I didn’t really know what I was doing. I wasn’t 100% sure what I needed to include or what I wanted the end product to look like. I bounced around with my theme and tried to include too much at once, which resulted in a sloppy template and me being unhappy with what I had produced, so guess what? I didn’t use it.


There is a saying that we use a lot in my home “everything is easy when you know how to do it” and I found this to be so true with the media kit. As much as scrolling endlessly through examples online was kind of helpful, what I needed was something a little more ‘plug and play’ something that was ready to go, and this is where Design Bundles come in.


Design Bundles first started out back in July 2016, with a goal of providing graphics and templates that were high in quality whilst still being affordable. With over 150,000 different designs and products to choose from, there will be something for each and every creative project you undertake. From Scrapbook Designs, to posters, teaching aids and of course media kits, there are thousands upon thousands of well-priced options to choose from. With free templates available, along with options for as little as a couple of pounds it doesn’t matter what your budget is, there will be something that is perfect for you.


With so many different options to choose between I struggled to find a favorite among the beautiful, crisp designs, but eventually chose at attractive and neutral template that was well within my budget range. As you can see, the template is laid out beautifully, and all I needed to do was update it with my blogs individual statistics and information. The process was wonderfully straight forward, and within a few short minutes I had the perfect media kit that was ready to use. 


The template is easy to edit and keep up to date, so there isn’t any stress when it comes to making sure the information within your media kit is always accurate. Design Bundles also offer a 24/7 tech support service, so if you did find yourself struggling for whatever reason, you can rest assured that there will be someone able and willing to help. You also get unlimited downloads of your purchased template, so if like me you jump between computers or move files around a lot you don’t need to worry that you won’t be able to get to your template. 


Having struggled to create my own template from scratch, I’m glad to have discovered an easy and cost effective place to source future templates for any of my blogging and creative needs.


This is a sponsored post however, all views and opinions are my own. Please see my disclaimer for more information.



  1. Ooh your media kit looks so fab! I didn't know they did media kit templates, what a great idea! xo

    Makeup Muddle

    1. Thank you so much! Neither did I, but they do all kinds of things, so certainly worth a browse through!

      Em x


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