Sunday 3 April 2022

March Look Back - 2022

What a month March has been! I can't believe we're in April already, it feels like Christmas was only a few weeks ago! I'm pleased to report that I had a pretty good March, and it is paving the way for a really good few month to come.

Work is going really well at the moment. I'm working through my sign off for the senior position I expressed an interest in, and I think I'm almost there. I've been able to train some new staff members, and I've recently joined the team that conducts file audits for the department (which may sound boring to some, but I find them quite fascinating). I've got a few more bits to finish my sign off, which will include various bits of management training over the next few weeks.

If you follow my Instagram, you may already have seen that we are rescuing a dog! Anyone who knows me will know that I grew up with dogs in the house, and have been desperate to have my own for a long time now. With me working from home a lot of time now, we are finally in a place where we can finally get one. 

I did a fair amount of research and looking around online to find a charity whom I trusted to give us all the information we would need about the dogs we were looking at, and in early March we finally had our home check, which we passed. Sadly the dog we were interested in was deemed not suitable to a house without another dog, and he had a history of biting when scared, which meant we sadly weren't what he needed either.

After that I spent hours going through every single cat tested dog the charity had available for adoption and absolutely fell in love with one. We expressed our interest in her and on Mothers Day, we got the news that she had been confirmed a match. I'm not going to say too much about her until she's here, as I don't want to jinx it, but she's absolutely beautiful, and I can't wait for her to get here. 

Speaking of things we've been waiting for, for a long time - our honeymoon in Mexico is finally almost here! We'll be going at the end of April, and our new doggo will be coming pretty much any time from the point we return, so I have two very exciting things coming up very close together. 

March marks three months since I last touched alcohol, which is a fairly impressive benchmark. There's a fair few reasons why I've decided to pack in the booze, so that's probably an entire post in itself. That aside, I really don't miss it. I have just as much fun on nights out, without any of the negative drawbacks that come with drinking. I'm also quite liking the fact that because I am sober, I can literally just hop in my car and go when its time to go home. 

The above has kind of resulted in a shift of sorts when it comes to where I focus my emotional energy. I am enjoying spending time with people who want to spend time with me, no matter what it is we are doing. I'd started to feel in the lead up to Christmas that too much of my socialisation had become more about having a night of drinking, and less about actually spending quality time with people I was drinking with, hence it being one of the things I wanted to fix in 2022. I've been feeling a lot better in myself over the past few months, but as I said, that's probably a discussion for a whole separate post. 

Finally, I fell of the band wagon a little when it came to caring for my houseplant collection in January and part of February. I managed to maintain enough care that I haven't really had any major casualties, but my actions were literally just that: maintenance. 

During March as t the weather has started to improve, a lot of my plants have come back to life with loads of new growth which has reignited my love for the hobby. I had a good sort through everything, and I've brought new pots for everything with some new soil on its way.

 My plan is to transfer as much as I can to square pots, and place them on a tray on the main windowsill they live on. My logic for this being that when we are away in Mexico, the person we have looking after the house will have an easier time looking after everything. All they'll need to do is fill the drip tray with water a couple of times and that will be it. 

That pretty much wraps up what I got up to in March! It's been a good month, but I'm excited for our trip away in April and our new family member in May!

How was your March?


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