Wednesday 31 March 2021

Goals for April 2021

It’s April tomorrow! I don’t know about you guys, but this year has absolutely flown by for me. It’s weird to think we are now over a quarter of the way through the year now. It’s gone by so fast!


So as usual let’s have a look at how I did with last month’s goals;


Run 20k in February

I covered just over 24K through the month of February, so this one is a win!


Finish painting

All done! Well, more or less. The wall I wanted to paint is done, but I need to tidy up the edges a bit before I can declare it as totally finished.


Wardrobe refresh

None of the new clothes I’ve ordered have arrived, but I have a few bits and pieces on the way. I’ll be doing a clear out as well to make room for my new bits and pieces.


Try some new recipes

My husband very kindly brought me a cookbook that I wanted, and I’ve followed three different recipes from it in March. I liked them all, but one of them immediately became a favourite.


Finalise my flexible working

This is almost done but not ticked off, but that’s okay because this one isn’t totally within my control. Things are looking pretty promising at the moment though so fingers crossed.


Finish my hair

I think I need to go over it one more time, but this is essentially done! I have transitioned from red hair, to silver / grey, and I have to say despite what I had been warned it wasn’t that bad a process. Although I did have a period of orange hair somewhere in the middle. This of course probably would have been better done by a professional hairdresser, but with the salons still closed that wasn’t actually an option.



And here we’ve reached the end of my goals for last month! All were fairly simple and achievable, as I wanted to make sure I set things I would actually stick to. So, let’s have a look at my goals for April, some of which are a little more challenging;



Blog views

Since I took out an advertising package recently with the lovely Jordanne over at ‘Lift of a Glasgow Girl’, my views have more than doubled – so I highly recommend you check her out! I want to keep up the momentum and try and up my views even more. A lot of that will come from actually promoting my posts on social media which to be honest I’ve been a little slack on of late.  


Resume the lookback posts

Those of you who have been around for a while may remember that I used to post a look back of what I got up to over the previous month, which I put on hold while we were in lockdown. Let’s face it, my only trips out of the house were to run around the same field or go food shopping, and I’m sure no one wants to read about that every month! With things now starting to open back up I will tentatively be resuming these posts. I’ve put this as a goal because I tend to write these posts throughout the month, otherwise I forget what I did!


Complete my Strava challenges

I’ve signed up to several challenges on Strava, which include a 5k run, a 10k run, walking 50k in the month and to take part in Yoga once a week for four weeks in a row. All should be achievable if I keep up the momentum, although I haven’t run more than 5k in a while, so that 10k run will certainly be a challenge.


Catch up with Maria

Now that we are allowed to see each other outside I want to see one of my oldest and dearest friends, who I haven’t seen in person in far, far too long. We have some plans to finalise for the weekend, but I’d really love to see her more than once.


Take more photos

I’ve run out of images to use on the blog again so it’s about time I took some more soon.


Saving plan

After having to move our trip to America twice, and then eventually cancelling completely we didn’t have any trips away set for the future. That was until last week when we booked a trip to Mexico towards the end of the year! As I’ve been putting money away lately anyway I could pay for most of it straight off the bat, but I want to get the rest of it paid off in the next month or so, so that I can arrange some other fun trips when lockdown starts to relax!



So that sums up my goals for April! Again, nothing too taxing, but a slight step up from last month, especially the Strava challenges.


Do you have any goals for April?



  1. Firstly, congrats on your running achievements and goals, that's super inspiring. And yes, I advertise with Jordanne quite regularly too, she's so lovely and my views always increase when I do. I'm intrigued by your hair story, I'm contemplating going grey (much to my daughter's horror) but I'll definitely have a period of orange if/when I do too!

    1. Thank you Lisa! :)

      I think I made the hair transition harder for myself by starting with bright red hair. I stripped it twice to remove the red, then bleached it twice (I left a few days in between) and added a blue shampoo to the second round of bleach. It went pretty much white (other than the top) so I went over it with a dark grey dye :)

      Lots of steps, but I had plenty of hair masks in the process so not fired hair! Haha

      Em x


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