Wednesday 10 March 2021

Curried Vegatable Soup

Whilst I know it’s a meal traditionally associated with the colder winter months, I’m been absolutely obsessed with making soup lately. It’s probably because I treated myself to a new handheld blender recently. Not only is it a great way to pack multiple veggies into one meal for that all important ‘5 a day’, it’s also useful when it comes to to using up left over things you might have knocking around in the fridge.


Today I’ll be sharing a recipe I threw together one day that has quickly became my go to; roasted curried vegetables. I personally like to cook this meal 2-3 batches at a time so that my lunches are prepped for the week. I’m starting to go for either a run or a walk at lunch time now that the weather is getting better. So it’s nice to be able to come home and just pop my lunch into the microwave so I can get back to work on time. Plus who doesn’t love hot soup after a chilly walk?


So, the ingredients you will need are;


3 Sweet potatoes

4-5 carrots

1 medium onion

A pinch of black pepper

A generous sprinkling of tikka curry powder

Vegetable or olive oil



To start, you will need to chop all of your vegetables roughly and put them in a foil lined tray. They don’t need to be uniform in shape or size, but I have found that smaller pieces work better than larger ones when it comes to the later steps. Sprinkle over your pepper and curry powder, with a drizzle of oil and pop in the over for around 20 minutes at 180-200 degrees centigrade. You may notice some chopped boiling potatoes lurking on my tray. I threw these in as we had a few left over from another meal, so feel free to experiment with your own veggie leftovers.   


Once you have baked your vegetables and they are starting to turn brown, transfer them to a slow cooker, set to high and pour in just enough boiling or recently boiled water to cover them. Leave for at least an hour, although the longer the better. A lot of your veg will have already started to soften during their time in the oven.


When you are satisfied that all of your veg has turned soft from the slow cooker, you can bring out the handheld food processor and blitz it down to a soup like consistency. I personally like my soup to be smooth, but if you prefer a chunky soup, just don’t use the hand blender for as long.


If your soup is too thick, just add a little water and stir it in while the soup is still in the slow cooker. If it is too thin and watery, just leave it for a little longer, with the lid off to allow excess moisture to evaporate away.


Voila! You’re done!


Personally I like to accompany my soup with a bread roll that I’ve baked in the oven before serving, because let’s face it, warm crusty bread and fresh soup is one of the best combos in the world!  


Let me know what you think if you give this a try! Do you have any favourite recipes at the moment?


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