Friday 10 January 2020

Word of the year | 2020

Sometimes we know exactly what we need any want in our lives, and sometimes, we need to dwell on it for a bit before we reach a definitive answer.

I’ve always been someone who is in two minds when it comes to setting goals in the new year. On the one hand it’s a fresh start to a new year so it’s a logical time for new things. On the other, it’s rather cliché, and I don’t believe you should wait until the year changes to fix something you want to change, you should do it there and then.

Having seen loads of posts floating around choosing a word for the new year rather than setting specific goals, I found I really liked the idea. It isn’t changing any one thing as such, but it sets a bit of a tone for what you desire out of the year to come.

I thought long and hard about what my word would be, and found myself flitting around quite a lot and not really settling on one, mainly because so much can change in a year. When I look back to me now vs me a year ago it’s a different person. Even more so if you were to compare me now to me 10 years ago. What I may want, need and hope for in 2020 now, might be totally different in a few months’ time.

What I’m trying to say, I suppose, is that a lot can change in a year, and it’s hard to pin down a singular word that will be timeless and relevant for the next 12 months.

I want to grow as a person, nurture my positive relationships, move away from the negative ones, progress in my career, especially now that I’m somewhere that I’m happy. I want to keep going with this blog, constantly try to improve it and see where it takes me. I want to get my mental health back on track and I want to do positive things that improve and enrich my life. With all that in mind, I finally managed to land on my word…

 Flourish; to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way

I want to flourish this year. I want this year to be a year of growth and improvement in as many aspects of my life as possible. I want to adapt my surroundings to ensure a positive environment for self-growth.

Do you have a word for 2020?


  1. I've seen so many posts on the word of the year but I really like your take on it! I can't choose just one, I was toying with the idea of "Live" but there is so much that can happen, pinning one word doesn't feel natural. I love that you got to flourish, it's a great word for your year! And I hope you look back in December and feel the change.

    Jordanne ||

    1. I really struggled to pick just one word! Pinning a single word down to last an entire year is difficult.

      Although I think 'live' is a great one, it's adaptable and flexible for anything that 2020 may bring.

      Em xx


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